Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tagged by Donnarence...

The very pretty and my fellow Thomasian Donnarence tagged me. Thank you so much!

Rules: Take a picture of yourself RIGHT now. No primping or preparing. Just snap a picture. Load the picture onto your blog. Tag some people to play.

Took this last night 10:30PM before I went home from work. I looked haggard haha! Makeup....gone....eyebags....hello?

Most of you girls have done this or have been tagged already...so I tag anyone who's interested to do this =D

Just checked my email and I have lots of things to do today :-( Think positive Kim!!!


donnarence said...

adorable!!! :D

AskMeWhats said...

You still look cute! I took a shot na but no access to transfer photos :) So soon! :)

Crystal said...

you still look pretty! i got tagged also so i'm doing this too.

ANGE said...

you look great without makeup! u dont need much at all! :)

i look disgusting at night. lol. with glasses replacing my contacts, dabs of pimple cream on blemishes, a thick oily cream sitting on top of my skin... ewww!

noone said...

I think you look great! And you got great skin :)

Anastacia said...

On this pic you looks so sweet :)

My-My said...

What do you mean haggard?! You are a natural beauty!