Monday, May 17, 2021

Skills to Develop When You're a New Influencer

We're so blessed to live in this time where you can learn everything by just searching online, whatever you're interested in. When I started this blog, I just write everything that piqued my interest. I wasn't aware of what I should've done to properly start a career out of this. 

I've enjoyed my 10 years of blogging so much. At the start, I didn't expect to earn from this. However, my love for beauty and makeup products led me to a career that I'm still enjoying now (the work hiatus is temporary until the virus situation gets better). I also worked as a Social Manager because of the experience and knowledge from being an influencer.

If I'm going to get back to the year when I was still starting. There are things that I want to have known and materials that I should've discovered to get me started on the right path. So, I'm going to tell you the things that I've learned throughout my journey. 

Writing Ability

Improve your writing ability right now. I have to admit that this is not my greatest strength, but that's not a reason to be discouraged. Just keep on writing, and you'll soon develop your own style. I took short courses on Copywriting and Article Writing. So many effective marketing tag lines just require basic English skills. It takes experience and perseverance to get to the writing level that you want to have. 

Building Your Content

When you're starting, it's best to focus more on your interest and what you do best. You'll drive more audience if they see that you truly know what you're writing about. As for me, I've been interested in doing arts and crafts or anything where I could show my creativity. This gave me the interesting stuff to post every day. I'm still new, so I get inspiration from those who have been doing it for a long time. Seeing the works of DIY Experts like Julie helps me learn new techniques and build my own style from there. In addition, you'll get more content ideas from the things that you enjoy doing. Once you have many things on your notes, learn how to assemble and categorize them to keep things organized for you and your audience.


It's one of the things that makes you different from the rest. Learn different styles that could make you more interesting. Stay relevant and be aware of everything new in this world. People will follow you because of what you have to offer. Every post must have a wow factor that could make your audience engage more with you.


If you want to make an income from being an influencer. Marketing is one of the most vital skills that you have to develop. Learn effective marketing strategies from a resource person who has done a killer marketing campaign already. You shouldn't copy them exactly, but you have to familiarize yourself with how others made theirs a successful one. It's a trial and error of strategies. If your first plan didn't work, you should try a different one until you achieve your winning step.


Sticking to your niche is great. However, there might be a time that you'll feel a plateau in your growth as an influencer. You have to be open to the idea that people within your niche can be limited. Don't stop learning so you could open other opportunities yourself. Stay true and pursue until you can discover something that will make you shine more.

Excellent Communication

This does not only pertain to your writing ability. You have to constantly communicate with the people who follow you. Engagement is important to maintain in this field. That includes replying to their comments and messages. It's a challenge when you have a lot of things in your hands already. But, on the other hand, you'll get loyal followers when you build rapport with them. \

There are still a lot more things to tackle. But, as a beginner, don't be overwhelmed with all the things you have to put in your mind. I've stated the important basics on what you should focus on first to ensure success. Remember that in life, everything is achievable with faith and a proper mindset.

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